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We are a feisty band of dedicated creatives

and growth-oriented business operatives.


Authenticity and message honesty are keywords in the Randomonium family.


We pick projects that are intrinsically good.

Goodness is important.


We make online content, traditional television and radio, and we write stuff. Lots of stuff.


We create your intuitive multi-platform content.. and orchestrate social media mega-campaigns to get your story out there.


If you are a brand or a business looking for an original way to catch the attention of your hungry audience of consumers..


Build your end-to-end strategy

Produce your commercial and online content

Media-train your in-house team of talent

Create an original web series that tells your brand story

Live stream your launch and seasonal events event

Smash out a killer social media capaign 

and Create your targeted radio or podcast series.

We work out of the old Universal Pictures Building in Fitzroy, Victoria.

and have partners and facilities dotted around the globe

- so no project is too big or too far-reaching. 

And we love a start up!

Launching your dream from scratch is our kind of brief.

Interested yet

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